Fan Fiction Villains Wiki


Full Name
Powers / Skills
High intelligence
Mutating himself into more powerful forms
Attempting to infect humans and homeless animals by power.
Kill each victim faster than the previous to be recorded in the medical books as the deadliest virus ever by killing animals within two days without any interference from Ben or anyone else (failed)
Get his revenge on Ben for flushed his brother, Jeremy, into the toilet (succeeded)
Type of Villain
Egotistical Master Manipulator

Nigel is the minor antagonist of the Nickelodeon's animated television series, Dogfield. He is a germ who was enlarged by Ben thanks to the Germ Positioning System (GPS), and had a reputation of making people sick.


Nigel was first seen, reunited with Jeremy and later infected Hank with its diseases, then was enlarged by the GPS by Ben so he can de-germinate the garage. Then, Paulie, The Cable Guy, and Eliza were also effected, only to Jeremy ends up thrown in the bathroom.

Later, he then manipulated Jeremy by infecting Ben, which the latter greedily accepts, then the two infected the entire town. Fortunately, since Tom, the Cable Guy, Angela, and Ginger were infected before, they became immune to ever having it again.

He finally germinate Ben before the Cable Guy and the others set him back to normal. Nigel makes a deal with Jeremy to infect Ben by force, so he will take over the world. He later infects Ben by possesing him and take control of his body, as the latter traps the dogs into a limousine, which was a setup and contains the germs from earlier in the film.

Later, Nigel mutates again and now has complete control over any type of technology, appearing on Ben's TV, and started to manipulate electronic objects, such as the CD player, laptop and waffle iron to attack them. Nigel then chases down and corners Ben, Tom, Angela, and Ginger with manipulated vehicles. Ben confronts Nigel and orders him to show himself, to which Nigel obliges and fights against Ben. Nigel goes on ranting and raving about how he is going to annihilate Ben, only to be thrown into the sewers by Jeremy.


Nigel is the complete opposite of Jeremy, he acts rude, cruel, arrogant, greedy and is very dirty, he does not care about his surroundings, he eats trash and litters it all over the ground. He seems to be good at persuading as he tricked Jeremy to become evil once again and does not like when people get in the way of his doing.


Nigel appears to be slightly bigger than Jeremy. He is green with orange spots, green eyes, eyelids and a tongue.

